Tuesday 17 April 2012

Creative Leicestershire April ebulletin

The Creative Leicestershire April ebulletin is out now!!

Lot's of information, opportunities, jobs and commissions for people working in the arts and creative industries.

Make sure to subscribe to the ebulletin to receive it straight to your inbox every month!

Thursday 12 April 2012

Get mentored! Creative Leicestershire's mentoring scheme

Creative Leicestershire are looking for 10 individuals, at any stage in their career, who are interested in working with a mentor over a six month period in 2012 to support their professional development.

To apply you must be;

  • based in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland; 
  • over 18 years old;
  • currently working professionally full or part-time in the arts sector (either as an artist/creative or arts administrator/manager). 
You may apply with a mentor in mind, or ask us to help you find one. We will expect you to work up a development plan for yourself and we will give you £500 towards carrying out the plan.

Download the application information here. If you have any questions email lucia.masundire@leics.gov.uk

Deadline for applications is Monday 30 April 2012.

Thursday 5 April 2012

Wistow Gallery is Now Open

Wistow Gallery, is a new independent gallery at Wistow Rural Centre in the beautiful south Leicestershire countryside.

Run by Kate Foster, the gallery opened in March 2012 and showcases the best contemporary craft, art and design from the county. They have sourced an exciting, constantly changing and affordable range of ceramics, glass, jewellery, prints, paintings, wood, cards and paper crafts, textiles and much more, all created uniquely by very talented artists from Leicestershire and Rutland.

So if you are looking for a gift, a unique souvenir of your visit to Leicestershire, or something new for your own collection, come and see what some of the best makers, designers and artists in the region have to offer…

Kate is a Furniture Design graduate who lives with her husband and two daughters in Kibworth near Wistow. In the year she turns 40, Kate is realising her long-standing dream of opening her own gallery.

To keep up-to-date with products, artists and events at Wistow Gallery, visit their website and/or follow them on Twitter @WistowGallery.