
Thursday 22 September 2011

Leicester Arts & Culture – Mayor Debate Part 3

Wednesday 12th October, 7pm

Peter Williams Lecture Theatre, David Wilson library, University of Leicester

Come and debate the role of arts & culture with Leicester City Mayor Sir Peter Soulsby. Much has happened since the first debate back in May 2011:

  • Leicester has an elected City Mayor
  • The launch of the newly elected Culture Board
  • Discussion around Leicester’s bid for City of Culture
  • The disturbances and riots across the UK
  • A commitment to refresh a cultural strategy for Leicester
But what of the future? Is there clarity around the vision for arts & culture in Leicester and how will we deliver in the current economic climate? What are the priorities for the City and how can we work with the Mayor and his team to make the vision a reality? What is missing and what are the frustrations from the sector?

Information about the panel, speakers and format for the event will be announced soon. Demand for the last 2 events has been enormous so reserve your FREE ticket now by visiting

Friday 16 September 2011

Working with young people?

Creative & Cultural Skills are running some research on developing qualifications for creatives who work with young people. This work comes under the heading 'Developing the Children & Young People Workforce' and comes from the idea that everyone working with children and young people should have a common set of skills. Please complete the survey by end of September at:

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Leicestershire County Council's 'Big Society Roadshows' - Autumn 2011

Leicestershire County Council have co-ordinated a series of 7 District-based 'Big Society' Roadshows, which will be held in September/October 2011.

The main aim of these events are to support the principle of ‘Helping to develop the Big Society in your local Community', and will provide information around Leicestershire County Council's Community Forum Budgets, the Big Society Grant Fund and other relevant information for interested community organisations and community representatives.

They hope to encourage community members and community groups to come along to the event in their District, to find out more about what the County Council and its partners are doing to support development of the Big Society.

Further details are also available at

Creative Leicestershire September Ebulletin

See the September edition for lots of opportunities and information for people interested in and working in arts, design and media

Jobs & Commissions including lots of jobs at Curve Theatre

Creative Leicestershire Autumn Events Programme

Funding for activites for young people and vulnerable families in North West Leicestershire

See the full ebulletin for further details and a lot more opportunities

Remember to register and sign up for the ebulletin to receive regular information straight to your inbox

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Embrace Arts: Artists’ Portfolio Day

Saturday 24 September, 10am – 5pm

Learn from the experts at this special day for artists and makers, organised in collaboration with Synapse Arts. Get comments on your work, find out how to promote your art and yourself to galleries and arts organisations, discover the best sources of funding and much more. Plus individual advice sessions bookable in advance with experienced curators and arts administrators from across the region. £5 / £3

Clare will be there on a Creative Leicestershire stand to have a chat and answer any marketing or finance questions from 11am to 2pm.

For more information go to