Thursday, 30 June 2011

BBC Peforming Arts Fund

The BBC Performing Arts Fund aims to seek out and support aspiring individuals and community groups who, for reasons of lack of existing support, personal background or circumstance, would not have been able to achieve their greatest potential without the Fund's support or intervention.

Each year the fund focuses on a different artform and run two grant schemes; one for individuals and one for community groups. This year the fund is focussing on DANCE

The Community Dance scheme is inviting applications from community groups that bring their communty together through Dance. The aim is to encourage more participation in, and increase the audience for Community Dance. Deadline Tuesday 12 July

The Dance Fellowship scheme is designed to give upcoming dancers, choreographers and producers a glimpse of the professional world. Dance companies, organisations, venues and festivals from across the UK can now apply for grants to host a bespoke placement for a talented Fellow. Deadline Wednesday 20 July

For more information about the fund and to apply go to

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