
Thursday 19 December 2013

December ebulletin

Our December e-bulletin is out now, click here to read online. If you haven't already signed up, you can get it emailed directly to you as soon as it goes live.

The Creative Leicestershire Team would like to wish all our subscribers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Self Assessment and Finance Workshop

'Find out exactly what's required to complete your Self Assessment return, plus lots of useful tips on essential financial information for creative sole traders and small businesses.'

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Artists in Education Training Course - revised dates

This course is aimed at supporting new artists to work in a focussed way with children and young people in educational settings. It has been developed in partnership with Creative Leicestershire as part of the Arts Resilience programme funded by the Arts Council England and Rachael Phelps (previously Arts in Education Coordinator for Leicestershire).

This work has grown out of a series of projects spanning the past five years exploring a ‘health and well-being’ theme and creativity in schools. The purpose will be to introduce artists to a range of teaching strategies, to develop planning and evaluation techniques and to provide insight into working, teaching and learning within the school environment across a range of ages and abilities. The course outline is as follows;

Session 1: (January 21st 2014 ) – Introduction to pedagogy – exploring teaching practice models and learning methodologies, which will incorporate cultural policy, case studies and examples of work by experienced practitioners with a health and well being focus.

Session 2: (January 28th 2014) Planning a project – Identifying, participation, leadership - Using practical planning tools and frameworks to enable artists to jointly plan the delivery of a creative learning session with a health & well being focus.

Session 3 (t.b.c) – Arts Award Adviser Training

Session 4: (Feb/March 2014) Observation – choice of educational contexts Artists will select their preferred educational context (primary, SEN, secondary) and then observe the delivery of an arts session to be delivered in a school settings.

Session 5: Evaluation - Measuring impact and reporting evidence - A practical session reviewing the observations made and evidence gathered across all sessions.

Costs & Booking: £130 (including V.A.T)

We have 15 places available on the course, to be offered on a first come, first served basis. Please email sallie.varnam to reserve your place.
Applicants must be working in and/or resident in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland to be included on the course.

There will be one free place awarded to a 2013 graduate.
To apply for this place, please send us an outline of why you believe the course will be particularly useful to your career development, detailing your particular interests and experience in the field, on no more than one side of A4 to

All applications/reservations to be received by January 7th 2014

Monday 13 May 2013

Mentoring Scheme 2013/14

Creative Leicestershire is pleased to announce that the next round of mentoring is open for applications.

We are looking for 10 individuals at any stage of their career, to be a part of our mentoring scheme for 2013/14.

Over a 6 month period you will work with a mentor who will help you with your professional development, as well as receiving £500 towards any training and/or professional development activities that will help you with your career development.

You may apply with a mentor in mind or not. If you don’t have a mentor lined up we will work with you to find you a suitable person. If you have a mentor in mind, they don’t have to be based locally, but bear in mind that the scheme can’t cover your travel costs.

To apply you must be:

  • based in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland 
  • over 18 years old
  • currently working professionally full or part-time in the arts sector (either as an artist/creative or arts administrator/manager)
Download the application form for more details on the scheme and how to apply

Previous mentees on the programme have said the scheme helped them by:

"I will have more confidence in what I offer as a professional practitioner."

"My mentor was key in making me feel understood when I was struggling and also helped me to
celebrate my achievments"

If  you have any questions regarding the scheme, please email

Deadline to apply: Monday 1 July

Friday 12 April 2013

E-bulletin April 2013

If you haven't recieved it already or aren't signed up, our monthly e-bulletin is now available; click here to see the latest  and opportunities for creatives in the area. 20+ jobs, artform specific opportunities, training and funding calls galore. Get stuck in!

Want this e-bulletin straight to your inbox? Subscribe here.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Makers Mart & Open Studios: 20th April

On Saturday 20th April, Makers Yard will open its doors to the public for the first time, while just round the corner at Curve another edition of the popular Makers Mart contemporary art, craft and design fair will be taking place. An unmissable day!

March e-bulletin

Our March e-bulletin is online, click here to read online. If you haven't already signed up, you can get it emailed directly to you as soon as it goes live.

This month contains around 20 jobs and commissions with a combined value of nearly £200,000; alongside our usual news and updates, so don't miss out!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Creative Leicestershire Training for Artists

Creative Leicestershire are glad to announce that applications for our training programme for artists working in healthcare settings are now open.

We are working with Willis Newson and Beauty and Utility Arts to deliver a programme of training sessions for artists working in healthcare settings.

The programme consists of 4 days of tailored training for artists with experience of running participatory arts projects in community or education settings, who wish to extend their practice into health, or for artists with experience of working in health settings who want to improve their skills and extend their knowledge.

  • Day One: The Context for Arts and Health: research, policy and practice
  • Day Two: Safe and Ethical Practice within Arts and Health
  • Day Three: Leading effective arts projects in health and social care settings
  • Day Four: Marketing and Presentation Skills: Bringing your arts and health project to life

The programme also provides mentoring and placement opportunities with Beauty and Utility Arts.

At the end of the programme there will be a sharing day enabling the artists to promote their practice to a wider network of potential commissioners and collaborators.

If you would like to book, please email Lucia Masundire at by Thursday 11th April.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Join Performing Arts LeicesterShire!

Performing Arts Leicester (PAL) is a partnership set up by a group of venues and organisations in Leicester. Its mission is to positively change the perception of Leicester through its performing arts offer. Diversity and Quality are central to its work focussing on the following four main strands:

  • Networking
  • Professional development
  • Marketing & promotion
  • Research 
In the last four years PAL has been responsible for drawing in funds for professional development and project work of around £90k. PAL has also commissioned De Montfort University to carry out an economic impact study of the performing arts sector in Leicester and coordinated culture debates.

The PAL partnership is ever evolving. It is led by an elected strategy group of four people. The next elections for this group will be in May.

How to become a member

Eligibility: Fee paying members can be from any organisation with a constitution which is producing, promoting or supporting professional live performance in Leicester, Leicestershire or Rutland.

Fee (for a full financial year):

  • £75 for organisations with up to 5 full time equivalent paid staff.
  • £250 for organisations with between 6 to 10 full time equivalent paid staff.
  • £500 for organisations with more than 10 full time equivalent paid staff
Membership Benefits

  • Twice yearly full member networking opportunities with guest speakers
  • Membership to PAL subgroups, sharing resources and expertise e.g. education, programming and marketing groups 
  • The opportunity for members (and/or associate members) to apply to the NextGen professional development programme 
  • Direct links with key decision makers through mayoral debates, dialogue with the Culture Board and conversations with press e.g. Leicester Mercury.
For queries about membership or to join contact Lucia Masundire at Creative Leicestershire on