The Student Wordsmith team invite writers and illustrators to submit their work on the theme of ‘Beginnings’ to be considered for publication in the first issue of our 2015 online journal, The Purple Breakfast Review.
The first issue will be published in March 2015, with submissions for this issue closing onFriday 20th February 2015 at 5pm.
You can enter up to 3 pieces of creative work or 3 illustrations for FREE, to be considered for any one issue. Subsequent submissions will be at a small fee.
We are accepting written submissions in the form of prose, poetry, drama and non-fiction.Illustrations are to be sent in PDF or jpeg formats and written submissions attached as a Word document.
Maximum Word Limits are as followsPoetry – 600 words, Prose – 2000 words, Drama – 2000 words, Non-fiction – 1000 words.
To enter your work, simply send your submission/s to pbr@thestudentwordsmith.com
We look forward to receiving your entries.
The Student Wordsmith Team