For what could the last and final time, Creative Leicestershire are pleased to announce the 28 creative businesses from Leicester(shire) & Rutland that have been awarded over £47,000 in total to help develop their businesses.
And the winners are:
Art Tracks - Mobile Creative Arts & Heritage Initiative from Braunstone http://www.art-tracks.co.uk/
2B Productions - Community Performing Arts Organisation from Wanlip
Serenah Cole - Performance Poet from Glenfield http://www.serenah.co.uk/
Liz Clark - Dance Artist from Loughborough
5or6 - Graphic Design Consultancy in Loughborough http://www.5or6.co.uk/
Alice Little - Music Tutor from Thurmaston
Workshops with Liam - Creative Workshop Leader from Billesdon
Creative Hinckley - Arts and Creative Industries Collective from Hinckley http://www.creativehinckley.co.uk/
Coldfire Design - Graphic Design Agency from Leicester http://www.coldfiredesign.co.uk/
Duck in a Bucket Designs - Jewellery Designer working with glass from Leicester http://www.duckinabucket.com/
Kate Unwin - Set & Costume Designer in Leicester http://www.kateunwin.co.uk/
Amy Brammall - Commercial Photographer in Leicester http://www.amybrammall.com/
Centre for Indian Classical Dance - Asian Dance Organisation based in Leicester http://www.cicd.org.uk/
Dan Morley - Graphic Artist from Leicester http://www.danmorley.co.uk/
Created and Felted Handmade Bags - Bag Designer working in felt from Leicester http://www.clairefairall.co.uk/
Leicester Community Music Project - Community Music Project in Leicester
Steve & Jo Photography - Photography Business in Leicester http://www.steveandjophoto.co.uk/
Mellow Baku - Vocalist from Leicester www.myspace.com/mellowbaku
Mio Destino: Di Murini - Mastectomy Lingerie Designer in Leicester http://www.dimurini.com/
David Towers - Furniture Designer from Leicester http://www.davidtowers.biz/
Aakash Odedra Dance - Asian Dance Artist from Leicester http://www.aakashodedra.com/
Speakeasy Theatre Company - Theatre Education Company in Leicester http://www.speakeasytheatre.co.uk/
Open Design & Communication - Graphic Design Company from Melton
Bee Happy Designs - Wedding Stationary Designer from Hugglescote http://www.beehappydesigns.co.uk/
Kelly McRobie - Vintage inspired Textile Designer from Leicester http://www.kellymariemcrobie.com/
Jan Burridge - Studio Ceramicist from Oakham http://www.janburridge.co.uk/
Jenny Creasey - Porcelain Artist in Oakham http://www.jennycreasey.co.uk/
We have also awarded bursaries to two businesses from De Montfort Univeristy as part of the university's Business Venture Competition:
19grams - Graphic Design Company
Exposure Live - Live Performance Recording & Broadcasting
Image by Point Blank Photography - http://www.pointblankphotography.co.uk/