- Buy the Writers & artists yearbook for a full list of agents and contacts
- Target agents who deal with writers with a similar genre/style to your own (see acknowledgements pages of relevant books).
- A submission for a novel will include: letter, synopsis & sample:
□ The Letter: give some background info on yourself; genre of the book (eg psychological thriller); why it should be published; why you have chosen this agency. Be business-like. Don’t mention the ‘slush pile’ or copyright issues. Do mention other writers who might be in a similar market.
□ Synopsis: Maximum 2 pages. Make the font and spacing easy to read. Do give the whole plot.
□ Sample: Send the first 50 pages (setting up the plot). Realistically maximum 3 pages will be read - about the same amount as a customer in a book shop. - When writing you need to be clear about the market for your book. It is best to fall into a defined genre (eg romance). Most books lose money and don’t ‘earn out’ their advance (ie make any further royalties than that given as an advance).
- It may take months to get a response. Receiving a standard rejection letter doesn’t mean to say that the work hasn’t been read or discussed.